CBD products


CBD Gummies

CBD gummies 100 grams are an easy way to take CBD.

0% or traces of THC and/or nicotine.

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CBD Oil 5% (10 ml)

CBD Oil 5% is a 100 % natural oil that contains 5% CBD

0% or traces of THC and/or nicotine.

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CBD Oil 10% (10 ml)

CBD Oil 10% is a 100 % natural oil that contains 10% CBD.

0% or traces of THC and/or nicotine.

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CBN Oil 2,5% (10 ml)

CBN Oil 2,5% is a 100% natural oil that contains 2.5% CBN / CBD.

0% or traces of THC and/or nicotine.

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CBN Oil 5% (10 ml)

CBN Oil 5% is a 100% natural oil that contains 5% CBN / CBD

0% or traces of THC and/or nicotine.

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Gezond met CBD en andere cannabinoïden

Complete guide to the special dietary supplement CBD
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Introduction CBD

For several years now, 3 letters seem to dominate the nutritional supplements market: CBD. What is CBD? And what does this abbreviation actually stand for? CBD stands for cannabidiol, the molecular name for a substance extracted from the flowers of the female cannabis plant. CBD belongs to a group of molecules called “cannabinoids” of which more than 120 different have been discovered. A very well-known cannabinoid is THC. This is the mind-altering substance that produces the cannabis high so familiar. CBD has a completely different effect on our system. In addition to the many processes that CBD activates or influences in our body, CBD can inhibit or suppress the psychoactive effect of THC. In the unlikely event that you have become so high that it is no longer pleasant for you, the CBD will help you to regain your composure. CBD is also believed to have numerous health benefits, for both body and mind. In addition, there are few or no known side effects of CBD.

What is the basis for CBD

The basis for CBD is the cannabis plant. Cannabis actually has 3 different varieties: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Ruderalis. Sometimes a fourth strain is added: Cannabis Afghanica. Each of these breeds is characterized by differences in appearance as well as internally. For example, Sativas are plants that can grow up to 3-4 meters high. In ideal conditions, this variety even grows to about 6 meters high. These plants are often grown as agricultural crops because they provide a high yield of fiber that can be put to good use for a variety of industrial purposes. The Indicas are more like shrubs, they grow low and wide. The leaf of Cannabis Indica is also a lot wider than that of Cannabis Sativa. Indica strains are widely used to grow recreational or medicinal cannabis. The ruderalis variety is very small, but very resistant. This variety can grow under the most appalling conditions. For that reason, Cannabis ruderalis is mainly used to cultivate new strains.

Each variety has both male and female plants. Hybrid forms, plants with both male and female characteristics, are also not uncommon. A resinous substance is produced in the flowers of the female plants. It is full of substances such as cannabinoids. Each variety (sativa, indica, ruderalis, afghanica) has many different varieties. These distinguish between the amount of cannabinoids and other substances. For example, there are varieties of the Cannabis Sativa variety that are very high in CBD, while the psychoactive THC is virtually non-existent. Each variety, which is nicely called a 'chemovar', is therefore characterized by its own unique profile of ingredients.

How is CBD extracted

CBD is extracted from the flowers of the female cannabis plant. More specifically, this is from the flowers of the Cannabis Sativa variety. It is these species that are used as an agricultural crop, also called fiber hemp. The male plants bear racemose sacs filled with pollen. When these have matured, they open and the wind carries the pollen to the flowers of the female plants. After pollination, seeds are formed in the flower. Hemp seed is a real superfood and can also provide a valuable raw material for many industrial purposes. After pollination, however, the flower will no longer produce as much resin. After all, the desired result (pollination, taking care of offspring) has been achieved. For this reason, medicinal (and certainly recreational) cannabis is grown indoors in a room that is completely closed off from the outside air. This is different with fiber hemp: it grows outdoors in open, open ground.

Acid cannabinoids

In a still growing plant you will find no or very little CBD. This is because the acidic preform of CBD, cannabidiol acid (CBDa) has not yet been transformed. This transformation occurs through a chemical process called decarboxylation. This occurs naturally in the plant during drought and/or heating. If a CBD product also contains CBDa, then little heating has taken place during the extraction process and it has been processed as little (synthetically) as possible. Every cannabinoid has such an acidic form, including THC. These preforms each have a very different effect in our body than the final shape. If you were to eat raw cannabis, you would not notice a high effect, even if the plant in dried form would be extremely high in THC. Cannabinoid acids have long been thought to have little to no therapeutic value. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are indeed of considerable importance, and also support the action of other cannabinoids.

Endocannabinoid system

CBD has a positive effect on the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Research into the hemp plant has led to the discovery of the 'endocannabinoid system'. Endo stands for body's own. Cannabinoids are produced in the body of both humans and mammals. The phyto (plant) cannabinoids from hemp mimic the body's own cannabinoids, as it were. Because phytocannabinoids were discovered earlier, the body's own cannabinoids are named after them. Every human and every mammal has an endocannabinoid system. This system has an important function in terms of sleep, relaxation, appetite, immune system and many cognitive functions. Again and again, the 'endocannabinoid system' ensures the right balance, such as in cell growth, immune response and the storage and breakdown of fat.

Full spectrum vs broad spectrum CBD

In addition to CBD, more than 120 different cannabinoids have been discovered, each with unique properties. Just like with colors (a color spectrum), you also speak of a 'spectrum' of cannabinoids with hemp. When an extract from hemp flowers is made, it will contain more cannabinoids than CBD alone. An extract may also contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the substance with the known high as a side effect. A distinction is therefore made between a 'full' (complete, so including THC)' and a 'broad' (broad) spectrum. This is mainly due to legislation. After all, THC is still a banned substance in many countries, so the maximum permitted amount of THC in a product is laid down in law. In reality, it means that even if there are 'trace' THC in a product, it should be stated on the packaging as 'full' spectrum. At Kraatje you will find both full spectrum and broad spectrum CBD products. The amount of THC present in our full spectrum CBD products is negligible (0.05%). It has no psychoactive effects and the THC will not be visible in a (blood) test. The special thing is that the various cannabinoids support each other's effect. This is referred to as an 'entourage effect'.

Side effects of CBD products

More and more people are curious about cannabidiol (CBD). CBD oil could mean a lot for many physical and mental complaints, while it would have virtually no side effects. That almost seems too good to be true! In reality, there are certainly known side effects of CBD oil. However, these side effects are in any case mild, with exceptions, while the use of medication often plays a role.

Most common side effects of CBD oil

CBD is one of over 120 different cannabinoids found in cannabis. It works in our body in a very different way than the psychoactive cannabinoid THC. Unlike THC, CBD oil will certainly not give you a high effect, nor will it cause red eyes, a laughing and eating kick, or paranoia. However, some people experience one or more side effects after using CBD oil. The most common side effects of CBD oil are: dizziness, nausea, fatigue and diarrhea. Also, some people experience dry mouth, decreased blood pressure, and changes in appetite and weight. The quality of a CBD product plays an important role in this.

Side effects of CBD oil and drug use

Did you know that cannabinoids like CBD are broken down by the same enzymes (proteins that can break down or convert substances in the body) as about 80-90% of all medication? These enzymes belong to the group 'Cytochrome P450' and are called 'CYPS'. These cyps occur in our liver, intestines and lungs. When CBD oil enters our body, it does its job there and is then broken down and removed from our body. This breakdown is done by enzymes. The same happens when we take medication. If we take both substances at the same time, our body may not be able to make enough enzymes quickly enough to break down both substances in time. This allows a drug to remain in the body longer than necessary, which may also increase any side effects of that drug.

Detoxifying side effect

CBD oil presses many different buttons in the body, as it were. It helps to restore the natural balance, which you can think of blood sugar, body weight, appetite and sleep. Because processes in the body are more efficient, a detoxification process can occur. This can be experienced as a very unpleasant side effect.

Dosage CBD oil

In research it has been seen that CBD was well tolerated by people even in extremely high doses of 1500 mg per day. It is unlikely that you would administer such a dose. Converted to a bottle of Kraatje CBD oil, you would have to consume no less than 3 bottles (!) of 5% in one go. When you start using CBD oil, it is recommended to start with a low dose and build up from there. In this way you can experience in peace what CBD oil does for you. What a low dose is, varies from person to person. Broadly speaking, we can divide the dosage as follows:

  • Microdose (< 50 mg/day)
  • Average dosage (50-100 mg/day)
  • Macro dose (100-160 mg/day)

Your ideal dosage also largely has to do with what you want to use CBD oil for. If it is a more general use, for overall support of your health, a microdose will suffice. If you have a serious condition, you will probably benefit from a higher dose. It is also interesting to know that CBD oil in a low dose has a more activating effect, while a higher dose will relax you more quickly. In the Netherlands, people usually speak of percentages rather than the number of milligrams. However, you should also be able to read how many milligrams of CBD it is on the product label.

Maximum Recommended Dosage

In the Netherlands, a maximum recommended dose of 160 mg CBD per day is used. This has everything to do with legislation. From this amount, our government has identified a medicinal effect. This means that CBD oil should no longer be sold as a commodity, but as a medicine.


You can buy CBD with confidence. Kraatje CBD products are produced by a renowned producer from the Netherlands. It is produced to the highest possible standards. Per batch, CBD is checked by a third party for cannabinoid content and certified by means of a Certificate of Analysis (CoA). You will find the relevant batch number on your packaging. CBD products are shipped from the Netherlands (Holland) to the UK and the rest of Europe (EU). These high quality products are offered at a competitive price and fast delivery is possible. You must be at least 18 years old to buy CBD.

Frequently asked questions

What is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. This is a substance found in the flowers of the cannabis plant. CBD is a cannabinoid and is best known for having no psychoactive side effect, while containing some unique properties. A lot of research has been done into the effect of CBD. You can find a lot about this in various books and also in publications on scientific websites.

What is the dosage of CBD?

There are various CBD products (including oil, gummies, patches, ointment, etc.) with different percentages of CBD. A percentage refers to the number of mg of CBD in a product. With CBD oil you can choose from different percentages. Which percentage you choose depends on your personal preference and need. On the packaging you can read the percentage (the number of mg CBD / other cannabinoids) of a certain product. In general, it is advisable to always start with a low dose and build up your dose from there. It is important to always listen carefully to your body. Every person is different and can react differently to the product.

How many CBD patches are there in a pack?

In one pack of CBD patches, there are 30 patches included.

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