Kratom Mixes

Special mixes of kratom powders

Carefully composed kratom mixes, which are made in house. These mixes are made from our own 100% organic kratom strains.

Kraatje Energizer Kratom Mix

Kratom mix of 100% organic white and red kratoms in "Kraatje Energizer"


Kraatje MaxRelax Kratom Mix

Kratom mix of 100% organic red kratoms in "Kraatje MaxRelax"


Kraatje Twister Kratom Mix

Kratom mix of 100% organic white and red kratoms in "Kraatje Twister"


Kraatje Mellow Kratom Mix

Kratom mix of 100% organic red kratoms in "Kraatje Mellow"


Your own Kratom Mix

Experiment and put together your personal kratom mix


Mixing according the Schatz principle

A professional three-dimensional laboratory powder mixer is used to mix the kratoms. This is done according to the Schatz principle. A container in the mixing machine is filled with kratom and shaken in all possible directions. In this way an excellent even distribution of the kratom mixes is achieved. No other additives are used. All this leads to the highest possible quality. Mixing using the Schatz method requires a lot more work and planning than packing regular kratom. Therefore, the higher price of these unique products is justified. After mixing and packaging, the kratom mixes can be kept for another two years.

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